Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 2 (a day behind)

June 17th, 2008
Today was more of a research day. We began the first part of the day in the studio coming back to the central questions of the piece; is it about relevancy? Is it about the inevitable failure that occurs when one tries to make everyone happy? Is it about truly connecting to one hundred people? Is it about trying to do a hundred tiny moments that will satisfy?

We talked more about the parameters for the piece and it seems that trying to find one hundred people aged 1-100 is the most interesting breakdown. I think that enables people to get on board with the project in a tangible way. We moved on the possible questions that we may like to pose and will share these with Why Not to get some feedback.

Tomorrow is the big share day with the other company. We’re looking forward to the material it may generate and to getting a big of an inside into their process.

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