Friday, July 4, 2008

Back at work in TO

We've had our first few days cracking away at "I'm So Close..." here in Toronto. Has been great to be on our feet and trying out some of the things we had imagined while exploring in Vancouver. Was a bit of a transition from Vancouver straight into the clown festival and right back into this project. This week we've had a mix of mini brain-farts and brain-waves of energy/follie as we stare into the blank stage.

As we now start to play and discover what some of this material might look, sound and move like in a space we continue to seek inspiration from anywhere we can get it--reading the newspaper each morning (where we found an interesting article on multi-tasking and how it is essentially making us less able to intake information and possibly less smart), surfing the internet, and renting a couple of documentaries about the Arctic.

We want to continue to amass material while we search for our center and are still asking lots and lots of questions. We also went to some thrift stores to pick up some costume bits and objects to play with. Have some assignments for the weekend, working on a song and text for a few possible characters.

One of the major goals for the moment is to push and to generate. Trying to keep the axe out of the room for a long, long while.

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